Narrative Essay About Losing Someone You Love Dearly

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Losing someone you love dearly is one of the hardest things anyone can go through. Sometimes it hurts so bad that you may yourself, “What’s the point of being here anymore?” I ask myself that question all the time, ever since my Grandmother passed away.

April 22nd, 2016, was a very emotional experience for my family and me. The day started off like any other day for us. We were invited to a friends going away party that day, so we went. While we were there, the atmosphere was so exciting; everyone was laughing, smiling, making new friends, and just having a good time all around. My friend had invited my brother and I to go outside and play on the swings and we did. We challenged each other to see who could go the highest and talked for a little bit, until I felt a buzz in the back pocket of my jeans. It was my phone, so I pulled it out to see who was ringing me. It was my Mom; I thought she was just going to check up on my brother and me. So, I pressed the little green button on the lit up screen and put …show more content…

She would be 80 years old or even a little older and in the hospital with our whole family there to see her and help out with things. Then, she would die because of old age. I didn’t imagine her dying at the age of 65, in her own house alone, struggling by herself with a heart attack happing. My cousins Marissa and April were too late to save her. They went to go check on her, but they were too late. I didn’t think she would leave us so soon, but you know what they say life doesn’t always go as planned. I never got the chance to say goodbye, or tell her I loved her very much and that I was grateful for all that she had done for me, I never got to tell her what a inspiration she was to me, and I never got to hug one last time. It wasn’t far, I hated that I wasn’t there for her and I couldn’t do anything about it. I guess when people say that life isn’t far, they really mean