Lise Meitner: The Most Revolutionary Women In Science

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Lise Meitner is one of the most revolutionary women in science. She was a physicist and was most well known for being one of the first to discover nuclear fission. Her discoveries led to atomic weapons, which later helped the United States during World War II. Her research made her one of the most important women in the field of nuclear physics. However, she was not given proper recognition for her ground-breaking discovery at the time. During the 1940’s women in the field of science faced innumerable types of oppression. From toxic stigma to little job opportunity. All of the drawbacks women faced let many with little opportunity for advancement. Lise Meitner was born in Vienna Austria in 1878. She later began the university of Vienna in 1901. Lise became the second woman to receive a PhD in physics from the University of Vienna in 1905. This was quite rare considering the fact that women generally did not attend public university. She additionally was the first women Max Planck allowed to attend his lectures. After a year had passed she later became his …show more content…

Protactinium currently has no uses due to its high levels of toxicity and radioactivity. Although it is used for scientific research. After this discovery Meisner continued her research which in 1923 lead to the radiationless transition known as the Auger effect. The Auger effect is when an electron in an outer shell of an atom makes a transition to a vacancy in an inner shell. The energy gained is shifted to an electron that leaves from the atom. The effect was named after physicist Pierre-Victor Auger, who “discovered” it in 1925. While Lise Meitner uncovered this effect in 1923 two previous years before Pierre-Victor Auger. Later in 1926 Meitner accepted a position at the University of Berlin, becoming the first woman in Germany to become a full professor of