Analysis Of Robert Lee Frost's The Road Not Taken

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Frost Analysis Robert Lee Frost, a poet who is considered one of a kind during the twentieth century, and also known as one of America’s greatest poets. “Ezra pound wrote that “ it is a sinister thing that so American... a talent..should have to be exported before it can find due encouragement and recognition”.(Roberts 837) Frost was born in San Francisco, California on March 26, 1874 and attended Lawrence High School where Frost began to write. He Graduated high school in 1892 and shared Valedictorian honors with Elinor White, who became his wife and then married in December 19, 1895. As the new century dawned upon the Frost family, tragedy would strike for the first few years. Their first child passed away due to contracting cholera in July 1900. A year later his mother and grandfather would pass away . Frost continued to face hardships for no American Publisher was interested in his poems which led Frost and his family to move to England in August 1912. Later on a small London publisher David Nutt accepted submission of Frost’s collection and “A Boys Will” was published in 1913. Shortly there after many of his poems would begin to become popular with the crowd in England. Due to England’s involvement in World War I, Frost decided to …show more content…

“The Road Not Taken” primarily focuses on two subjective paths which can be interpreted differently be many who stumble upon the two. While “Birches” compares life’s journey to a wood without paths, no directions, nor instructions and continues to see through the eyes in his youth up to his death. The examination of comparing and contrasting the different journeys in life, and the meaning of the poems will be the main focus, though they are also significant pieces of literature for they both recall past memories in Frost’s life and have shaped him to be the author he was in the early 19th

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