
Literary Devices In Brave New World

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In the novel Brave New Wolrd Aldus Huxley talks about many social and political issues in his time. Alsud Huxley uses many literary elements to talk about these political and social issues and masterfully crafts them to take part in the meaning of the book as a whole.The main literary devices the author uses are satire, repetition, and imagery. The main focus of the novel Brave New World is satire to the most extreme.The entire novel, except the end, can be summed up as satire. The book begins is a center where they make children using machines and conveyor belts, and this is a huge satire on the model T and the assembly line. During the time this book was written Henry Ford had just made the assembly line which made the model T car at incredibly …show more content…

The largest amount of repetition is in the usage of soma. In the World State society soma is a drug made from cocaine and hallucinogenic drugs to make a person happy and carefree. In their society anytime you begin to experience any amount of sadness or discomfort you take a soma. This fact is drilled into the kids minds with sayings like "A gramme is better than a damn" and “A gramme in time saves nine.”, which are things lenina says in the story many times. This is a reference to the large amount of drug use during Huxley's time because living in the depression was hard and unpleasurable, and taking drugs could make at least some of that pain go away for a time. Also like stated before there is a constant disgust of the mention of family and relationships. Since the family aspect is covered relationships are next, Fanny is constantly on Lenina for only liking one guy because in the World State society “Everyone belongs to everyone” and Lenina is always liking one person. This is an obvious reference to the fact that sleeping around was beginning to look like nothing big in the eyes of people during this time period, and it was ok to get a street worker or go to a strip club to let off a little

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