Literary Journey Analysis

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When I think of the beginning of my literary journey I often envision my nine year old self sprawled on the living room floor reading Harry Potter and feverishly checking the clock. I have four minutes left to finish this chapter and discover who opened the Chamber of Secrets. My time is quickly burning up with one paragraph left, one paragraph that inevitably holds the information I so desperately need. Time is up, I place my red bookmark between the pages and sadly hand the book off to my twin brother; he opens it to his green bookmark and continues on his own journey through the magical world of Harry Potter. My parents couldn’t afford more than one book, so my siblings and I had to share; each of us assigned a special color bookmark and a specific reading schedule that my mom tracked down to the minute. If any of us fought over the book it would simply disappear, which all of us knew to be more than a threat; we had so often learned this the hard way. My mom was strict, but she always took us to the midnight release of the books, and we waited outside in anticipation of the brand new hardcover …show more content…

During my senior seminar Dr. Brooke Conti introduced the class to John Milton’s Paradise Lost, and it is a piece of literature that will never leave me. I find myself picking apart everything else I’ve read since in order to highlight all Miltonian influences found within the texts. Besides the classics, I’ve been introduced to many small pieces that have changed me and the way I read, one of which being Virginia Wolfe’s A Haunted House; the movement in her words the tone in her writing showed me the power of word choice and poetic meter. That’s the beauty of studying literature, students are not “taught” the material; they experience