Literary Techniques Used In Margaret Atwood's Siren Song

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In the “Siren Song” by Margaret Atwood, there is a tremendous use of literary devices to emphasize and create her theme. The theme of the “Siren Song” is one of deception and lies, the speaker talks about how the reader is “unique” (24) and how “only you, only you can” (23) help her. The siren deceives the reader by making him believe that we are the greatest heroes and that only we can save her. The poem is written in the point of view of the siren, this allows the reader to uncover the poem with them which creates a deeper more realistic story. The siren says “will you get me out of this bird suit” (11-12), Atwood’s word choice plays a big part in making the speaking siren sound like a victim that’s trapped in the form of a siren. This connects