Literary Techniques Used To Create Suspense In 'The Cask Of Thunder'

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A group of children sat huddled underneath the kitchen table of a small cottage in England trying to escape the Empty Child. He was known for turning anyone who couldn't escape him into mindless people with gas-masks covering their faces. The viewers of this Doctor Who episode wait in suspense to learn if the Empty Child will capture the children or not, just as authors use suspense to make the reader feel tense about a situation. Suspense is the excitement or tension that readers feel as they wait to find out if the conflict is resolved. "The Most Dangerous" by Richard Conell, "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allen Poe, "A Aound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury uses conflict, irony, and foreshadowing to create suspense in their short stories. Throughout these short stories, the authors use conflict, irony, and foreshadowing to build suspense and keep their readers engaged. Using a selection of events, Richard Connell has created suspense using conflict in the short story "The Most Dangerous Game." In this story, Rainsford is trapped on a …show more content…

Due to Fortunado's insult against Montresor, Montresor planned to kill him during the Italian festival season.. An example of situational irony in the story is when the reader expects Montresor to have the wine in the catacombs and he does not. When the reader leans he does not have the wine, they might begin to wonder if this is when Montresor will get his revenge. When Montresor and Fortunado are walking through the catacombs to get the wine, and Fortunado claimed he was a member of the masons, but he actually meant the group of masons who built tools is an example of verbal irony. That makes the reader wonder if Fortunado is going to use his skills as a mason to get his revenge. Edgar Allen Poe uses irony to create suspense in "The Cask of Amontillado", by using Montresosr plotted revenge against