Employee Empowerment

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Handing over decision making powers to employees has been defined as empowerment (Ford, Fottler, Russ, & Millam, 1995). Empowerment has value for every walk of life but it is of immense importance for the service industry like banking, health etc. Ford et al (1995) has termed directed autonomy to employees for making independent decisions which may influence the outcomes for the organization, as empowerment for banking industry. Alsop and Heinsohn (2005) has defined empowerment as a person’s capacity to make effective choices; that is, as the capacity to transform choices into desired actions and outcomes. They have that the degree of empowerment subjected to personal agency and opportunity structure. Saleem and …show more content…

Job satisfaction of employees and customers satisfaction are interlinked (Griffith, &Koys, 2001) cited in (Almana, 2013). Satisfied and empowered employees will definitely help in the retention of customers thus competitive advantage. As pointed out by Awan, Hassan, & Perevaiz, (2014) because the competition in the market demands retention of existing customers is more important than the new customers, which means provision of continuous service quality. This is dependent on motivated and well equipped employees which is significant customer satisfaction indicators. In case of service sector customer satisfaction is considered very potent indicator. But the achievement of customer satisfaction is not just a one way road, the company has to design right products to meet the customer requirements and delivery of high quality services through dedicated employees (Bolman & Deal, 2008) …show more content…

M., Raja, S., & Jawad, M. (2012). Empowerment Effects and Employees Job Satisfaction. Academic Research International , 3 (3), 393.
Almana, N. (2013). IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT, JOB SATISFACTION AND. International Journal of Modern BusinesIssues of Global Market (IJMBIGM) , 1 (1), 28-38.
Alsop, R., & Heinsohn, N. (2005, February). Open Knowledge Repository (OKR). Retrieved August 9, 2015, from World Bank Group(US): https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/8856
Awan, D. A., Hassan, J., & Perevaiz, S. (2014). Relationship Between Employees Motivation & Customer Satisfaction - A Case Study of Selected Banks in Pakistan. Global Journal of Human Resource Management , 2 (3), 1-12.
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2008). Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership, 4th Edition.
Brady, M. K., & Cronin, J. J. (2001). Customer Orientation -Effects on Customer Service , Perception and Outcome Behavor. Journal of Service Research (http://jsr.sagepub.com) ,