
Literature Review On Needle Exchange

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This literature review aims to explore needle exchange programmes as harm risk reduction programmes with injection drug users. There has been various studies undertaken in the past contributing to information available in relation to needle and syringe exchange programmes as a harm reduction strategy among injection drug users. Through various sources of research, I aim to find out what the overall purpose/aim of needle exchange programmes are. I will find out if they have proven cost effective and if they are an effective use of resources. This review will provide research suggesting their overall effectiveness along with giving evidence of injection drug users own opinions on the programmes. Overall I hope to find out if needle exchange programmes …show more content…

Some of these include needle exchange programmes (NEPs) and opiate substitution treatment (OST). (Gregario, et al., 2012) Needle exchange includes opiate addicts being given free needles for drug use as opposed to using the same dirty needles over and over again. They would often share these needles with other opiate users raising the risk of spreading harmful diseases. (Heitz, 2015) These have proved to be effective in reducing drug related problems such as overdose or blood-borne infections. Early adoption and rapid expansion of these interventions can substantially reduce the impact of these problems, especially the infection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). (Gregario, et al., 2012) International scientific evidence suggests that needle exchange programmes (NEPs), through harm reduction strategies, such as needle sharing potentially reduce the spread of blood borne diseases associated with injection drug use. Studies have taken place in Canada where early evaluations of NEPs focused on the number of people reached, rates of needle and syringe exchange demographic characteristics and behavioural factors. These included drug injection practices and sexual activity. Researchers have estimated the cost effectiveness of NEPs and found that they are an efficient use of resources because new cases of HIV infection can be prevented. Studies have …show more content…

It is important to gain an insight into their thoughts on the effectiveness of needle exchange programmes. An observational study took place in a prison in Switzerland where they choose to interview a sample of inmates who were availing of the NEP. Each inmate was informed of the existence of the needle and syringe exchange program. They were notified that they could request injection equipment from the healthcare staff and they would then have a confidential consultation aiming to explain NEP procedure and also to discuss practical issues with drug use. The functioning of all equipment was explained at this visit and prevention and harm risk reduction messages were provided. All participants gave written consent and agreed to give feedback about their experiences on a later date. Inmates were called back to give feedback after 2/3 weeks of trial use. Statements focusing on the introduction of retractable syringes and its usability were addressed. They were also allowed to qualitatively elaborate on their responses. 60% of the inmates agreed that retractable syringes are a useful tool and particularly useful in the prison setting. 90% agreed that using retractable syringe devices helps to protect others from potential infectious disease. 60% added that the needles were not more difficult to use, but the preparation and injection process took more time. All agreed that the programme

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