Litterbonnie Case Study

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Additionally, LitterBonnie enhances the quality of life now and for future generations. Littering is very inconsiderate of others, and if communities use LitterBonnie, our earth will be much cleaner and society will be kinder. This AdaFruit® RedBot® will affect both plant and animal life, too. Littering plastic items can confuse wildlife such as sea turtles, who eat the trash, thinking it is their food, and become sick or die. Also, the polluted runoff from the litter can contaminate plants, crops, seafood, and flowers, leading to a disruption in ourlocal, and soon global, ecosystem. With LitterBonnie, these problems will not exist.A family decides to visit the oceanfront for summer vacation. One day, they go out for seafood. Little did the family know that previously that year, there had been a huge public event where people had left their trash on the …show more content…

Starting with social aspects, LitterBonnie’s programmed function will relieve humans of certain jobs. Park sheriffs and community volunteers will no longer have to pick up trash in public areas and along the streets. Leading into economic aspects, LitterBonnie will have a reasonable price. This is because of its limited upgrades. There is only the basic RedBot®, two small bins, a 3D-printed scoop, and a DC Motor. The actual product will be about eighteen inches by ten inches. As for political implications, there may have to be some laws put into place. Some people may vandalize this public service robot, so there must be a law or restriction of handling a LitterBonnie robot unless by special permission. Also, it may affect some laws. Robots with artificial intelligence or a similar program type have to be monitored and checked in case of a malfunction that can hurt humans or animals. Altogether, LitterBonnie has many social, economic, and political aspects and implications that affect the environment, humans, their jobs, industry, and