Surfrider's Argument Analysis

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Although it may not seem like it, issues concerning pollution in the ocean have a great impact on the lives of humans. The image’s creator most likely took this idea into thought when constructing the ad for the Surfrider foundation (figure 1). By making a connection between sushi and trash in a natural way that seems believable and not too bold, the image is able to appeal emotionally and logically to whoever views it. In addition, since most people are aware of of the pollution that takes place everyday on the planet, the image’s credibility is enhanced. With a unique strategy to draw the attention of a vast audience, the Surfrider Foundation uses the ad pictured above with the intent to educate the public about the effects of pollution, specifically in the ocean.
The decision of the image’s creator to incorporate this global issue into everyday aspects of individual lifestyles is what successfully achieves his emotional appeals. A simple depiction of sushi, which, when analyzed closer, is made of sushi, is a unique choice of art that is both eye-opening and creative. By using this juxtaposition of two …show more content…

Like global warming, pollution is universally known of, but many disregard it and its impact on their everyday lives. This image is successful in the sense that it reminds individuals of the problem of ocean pollution. By viewing the sushi made of trash, the thought of one consuming trash when eating seafood becomes a possibility. If a small fish eats bits of plastic, and a larger salmon eats many small fish and other polluted debri, that larger salmon could very easily be the same fish you had for dinner last night. In addition, the ad pictured above goes the extra step to include a jarring piece of research concerning the amount of plastic fish consume to justify its reasoning and prove the trash sushi a possible