Local Government System In Pakistan

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This thesis evaluates the development of local government system in KP. Local government itself contains the sense of civility, civics, self service and self governance. Therefore in modern age local government has became the core of liberal democratic system. Local government is considered as the nursery of leader ship, political education and democracy. It is said “the whole edifice of democratic government is based on the basic assumption that good Government is no substitute for Local self-Government” .
Like developed states Pakistan being a developing country constitutionally conferred equal rights and opportunities to her citizens irrespective of caste, color, creed and gender. The Constitution of 1973 of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has specifically reserved seats for women in the Parliament . To encourage the gender equality in politics the local government system evolved under the first and the third Martial law regimes in Pakistan and separate structure of law was introduced in Local councils of the federating units of Pakistan by reserving seats for women .
Likewise the Constitution of 1973 promotes participation of women in the local electoral politics and its dynamic institutions. Accordingly, their participation through representation comprised : the ratio was 12.7% in Punjab, 37% in Sind, 25.8% in Baluchistan, and 2.9% in NWFP (Presently Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) . Under the local government ordinance of General Musharaf rule, the representation