Locke Vs Rousseau

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least two authors whose work can be understood as defending or assuming an account of freedom, whether for individuals or for peoples. E.g. Locke, Rousseau, Mill, Hayek, Marx, Mazzini, Fanon.
Freedom is one of the essential needs of man and one of the most treated philosophical topics of all time. The concepts of freedom and free will have assumed different meanings depending on the epochs in which they were treated but it is when we try to materialize those concepts that it becomes all the more difficult. I will talk about this topic citing the thoughts of three. Fundamental liberal philosophers Locke, who is considered the Father of Liberalism, Mill and Hayek. John Locke is one of the founders of the modern, democratic and liberal state. He is the first and most effective defenders of citizens' freedom. Locke states that moral rules have to have the reason of being useful for the preservation of society and public happiness. In the disparity of the moral rules that crowd our society people should select those useful for this purpose. The law of nature, specifically, is the reason itself, and therefore, it is a rational law ‘Live according to reason’, which has as its object the relations between men and prescribes the perfect reciprocity of relationships. Being free means living according to reason. In the state of …show more content…

Man, who has no power over his own life, cannot, by a contract, become a slave to another and place himself under an absolute power that disposes of his life as he likes. Only the consent of those who participate in a community establishes the right of this community over its members; but this consensus, as an act of freedom, that is to say, of choice, is thus directed to maintain or guarantee this freedom itself and cannot validate the subjugation of man to the uncertain, uncertain and arbitrary will of another