Locked Horn Summary

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Summarization of Locked Horns The author wanted to share her experience going to a show of animals’ skulls at the local science museum, where she stated that she liked to go to that animals’ skulls show to see different kind and shapes of the animals’ skulls, and how it’s different from each animal to another. The author mentioned examples of animal’s skulls such as the gray throne skull of an elephant head, yellow hacksaws of a crocodile and more. The author also mentioned that there was a wall covered with a lot of sea lions’ skulls just to let the watchers observe their subtle variation, where also another wall has a wide collection of animals of antlered and horned heads. …show more content…

The author noticed the bighorn sheep and realizes that the shape of its horn can be phrased as “Lock horns” where it was common known with that area of animals. While the author was cruising around the animals’ skulls show room, she was distracted by how the room was grimness and that changed her focus process a little bit. She started to think about her life and people’s life as well, where she started to think about how people may have difficulties in life such as a divorce of a couple, noisy neighborhood to deal with or even a death can accrue for those who did not deserve it. She also mentioned that the relationship of the cold war between the United States and the Soviets Union looks like the phrase of “lock horns”. The author was in an explanation mood when she started to describe humans’ natural life. She argued that Theodor Adorno, who is a German-born philosopher and sociologist, subjected to astrology which people have stated that stars were about the people themselves, where the author replied that better to say that people is about the stars. The author had an important claim that many people are