
Loneliness In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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What do you think it means to be lonely? Being lonely can have a different definition depending on who you ask and it can show who they are as a person. There are multiple lonely characters in the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitsgerald and they are all lonely for different reasons. The three different characters that I think are the loneliest in the book are George Wilson, Daisy Buchanan, and Jay Gatsby.
George Wilson is a lonely character in the novel The Great Gatsby because of his obliviousness to his wife’s affair. Early in the second chapter, Nick goes with Tom to meet his mistress. Myrle, Tom’s mistress, tells George to get some chairs in another room when Tom says how he wants to meet with her. After they were done speaking, …show more content…

In the book, Daisy and Nick go to Gatsby’s mansion, and Daisy is unaware that Gatsby is rich. She views Gatsby’s mansion from afar and admires that large and extravagant structure. She then states, “‘I love it, but I don’t see how you live there all alone.’” By saying this, she is probably starting to realize that she would have been better off staying with Gatsby. The way she said it could also imply that she wanted a second chance with Gatsby, even if her husband was in the way of them ever being truly together. A little bit later in the book, the group goes into the mansion, where Gatsby shows them the collection of shirts he has. Then, Daisy states, “‘They’re such beautiful shirts.’…’It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such — such beautiful shirts before.’”. While she is saying this through her sobs, we can infer that the shirts can represent Gatsby’s wealth and personality. Daisy probably thinks that she could have been in a happier and better relationship with Gatsby than the one she is in with Tom. In all the quotes stated previously, you can infer that Daisy has a longing for Gatsby and that she regrets her past decisions in marrying Tom. This is why Daisy is a lonely character because she regrets marrying Tom and not staying with

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