Long Term Effects Of The French And Indian War

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The French and Indian war, also known as The Seven Years War, allowed Britain’s dominance to become prominent due to the French being exiled. The French and Indian war also marked the separation of colonial interests from British interests. Due to the debt the war caused Britain upped the taxes, the upset over the taxes sets up the stage for revolt and paved the path of revolution. The taxes, lack of Parliamentary representation, benign neglect, economic oppression, and extremely restricted trade caused by the French and Indian War catalyzed the events, marking a major turning point in the history of our young nation, leading to the war that was a long time coming to fight the Motherland of Britain for the freedom of the new and angered …show more content…

There were rebellions, pro-patriot groups, and a rising sense of colonial/national pride around this time period. With organizations such as The Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty helping the nonimportation agreement colonial uprising caught the attention of Britain. The British had known of certain riots and rebellious act, even some tamer forms of almost begging for a change, such as The Stamp Act Congress, Boston Tea Party, First Continental Congress, Second Continental Congress, and decided that they must be taught to obey their homeland’s government. Britain sent over some troops to take the weapons of colonial militia men yet the trained soldiers were met with an armed militia not ready to be taken as naïve …show more content…

The colonies were desperate for something different, new, and not coming directly from the British government, so they turned to smuggling goods on pirate ships as well as making goods, illegally, in the colonies to buy and sell in order to wean themselves from Britain’s economic crutch and tyrannical clutch. Colonists smuggled goods to the French because they offered a higher price for materials found in the colonies. This was also a benefit to the colonies as well as the French because the were able to undermine British wishes and take their chance to form that bond that helped during the revolution.
The major pushing point of this revolution was the lack of Parliamentary representation of the colonies in all matters. The thing that set the colonists off was that they were being taxed and could not negotiate, decline, or accept the taxes placed on them to pay for the French and Indian War. This is the biggest way in which the war was a turning point in American history because this is when Britain denied us the basic citizens rights and simple representation to protect those