
Longflame: A Short Story

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They hadn't gotten very far before Longflame began to show signs of distress, he began to have difficulty breathing and little curls of flame emanated sporadically from his mouth. Ernst called for a halt, he and George managed to get the dragon off of the unicorns back and onto the ground.
“Keep his head pointed away from me,” Ernst said. “I don't want him to accidentally burn me, he's only semi-conscious. “ Ernst examined Longflame carefully, but could find no reason for the dragon's sudden decline.
“What's wrong with him?” George asked.
“I don't know, maybe internal bleeding or it could be some kind of slow poison in the beast's bite. I don't know what to do Georgie.”
“Estua!” George exclaimed. “She seemed to know something about the brumble beasts, I'll be back as soon as I can, try to keep him alive until I get back.” George jumped on the unicorn's back. “Back to the lake Corny, as fast as you can!”
They arrived at the lake in two minutes.
“ESTUA! ESTUA!” Georgie called.
No answer.
“Run around the lake Corny, we've …show more content…

Is any of this other stuff any better.”
George said, “Not really, but it's all we have, I know the trees are loaded with fruit and nuts, but we don't know what's safe to eat and what's not.”
Estua looked at him funny, “How could you not know that?”
“We're not from around here, everything is different where we come from.”
Estua stood up and put out her hand, “Come with me then, it's time for you to learn.”
George stood up and took her hand, when he did he felt a tingle and his heart beat a little faster. Don't be an idiot, he thought to himself, she's not your type or even your same species for that matter.

They came back a little later with a variety of fruit and nuts, Ernst was still sleeping so George dropped an apple-like fruit onto his chest.
Ernst sat up and rubbed his eyes. “I see the mystery girl is up and about. How's our patient?”
“He's still sleeping,” George replied, “let's eat then we'll see if we can wake

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