He pushed the false memory out of his mind. Often he was troubled with these false memories. They didn’t hold any importance to him, as he knows what they are and how he can stop them. He resumed his chess game in the Chestnut Tree Cafe, but then a piercing trumpet call cracked through the air. Everybody in town knew what that meant, victory. It always meant victory. As the newswoman began to speak on the telescreen she was drowned out by an uproaring cheer outside. Throughout the diner you could hear triumphant phrases being shouted among comrades. One that stood out to Winston was, “Greatest victory in human history-victory, victory, victory!” Winston had not moved from the secluded corner seat. He wanted to shout, scream, dance and jump; instead he just sat there, immobile. Winston had changed for the better since his first day at the Ministry of Love, but he had never …show more content…
You are?” He shakily responded “ Oh, you can just call me Julia. You know you really remind me of someone that I used to know” She bubbly answered. Nothing has changed I see. Little did Winston know that Julia knew exactly who she was talking to. The man I fell in love with, the only man I’ve ever truly loved. She thought to herself. She never thought that she would have met him here of all places. Julie still couldn’t believe her eyes. It was Winston. She hurriedly escaped the awkward conversation and walked back into the bathroom and took out a crumbled piece of paper to write a note. She knew he would be here for another minute or two as she looked at his list and notices that it did not compare to what was in the cart. She wrote the note and then went to go find him. Just as he was leaving she dropped the note into one of the grocery bags. Julia is started to get excited again like she was twenty eight years old again. Remembering the last time she saw him, he looked a little different but still had the same smile and eyes as he did back