
Looking At Character

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Looking at Character and The Appearance of a Person In this day and age, we tend to be very judgmental as people. We have a tendency to look at what people wear, how they talk, who they hang out with… ect. When authentically we should be looking into people’s hearts, to find out who they really are. So my question to you is, why do we judge when the real you is in your heart? Why can’t we be considerate human beings, to realize that we are all human and that the outside of our human body, is not always who we really are? Why can’t we look at each other’s hearts and character, to unlock the real them? Some people say it is because you can tell a lot about a person based on their appearance. When in reality, I believe if you get to know someone their appearance won’t matter, because you will have fallen in love with the real them. Our world is broken. There is no way to get around the fact that we are all broken. We are not broken because of the things we have done, but because of the things people have done to us. We judge each other and we bully the people that are different from us. Our world is damaged. Just look at this case from March 24, 2014. A little boy was being bulled, and it got so bad that the father of the bully victim had to file restraining orders against the bully saying, “I …show more content…

It’s discomforting to go deeper. As a person, it’s hard to see the truth, when the whole world is pointing you the other way. It’s near impossible to go the opposite direction as everyone else. I know that you can tell a lot about a person by their appearance, but why look at the surface when the inside is so much more appealing that the

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