Looking Glass Wars Theme

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In The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor, it is the story of Alice and Wonderland but with a twist of wonderlanders fighting for their lives and Redd, Alyss’s aunt is trying to take over wonderland and Alyss has to stop it. When Beddor makes this change it shows a significance of many themes that can also be found in war. Like good v evil with Redd, Alyss and Dodge showing the two friendships but for Redd hate a power. A character that shows the significance of good v evil is Alyss and Redd. Around the middle end of the book Redd is proclaiming to people “‘Loyal subjects, there is a pretender to the throne in our midst. She calls herself Alyss Heart.’”(229)This shows the strong hate that Redd has for Alyss and is trying to build an army against Alyss. Later on in the book the good are having a conference and saying “‘My bishops and I are prepared to risk everything for the good of the queendom,’ said the knight. ‘We will find Wonderlanders to fight with us against Redd, you can rest assured.’” …show more content…

When traveling back home from a trip,“At the center of the skirmish slashing his sword this way and that, was King Nolan, still atop his trusted spirit-dane when a figure in a scarlet cloak passed through the fighting, untouched, and stabbed him through the heart with her pointed scepter.”(27)As you can tell in this she must be really evil because she just stabbed her brother in law in the heart. Redd is so insane that at one moment she was“Abandoning herself to her wrath, (so) she slipped into her mother’s dressing room. ‘Even you cannot take away what is mine by birthright,’ she snarled and placed a deadly pink mushroom on her mother’s tongue. Fed by the queen’s saliva, the roots of the fungus worked their way down the sleeping sovereign’s throat and strangled her heart.”(56) Her mother was a good queen and Redd was so angry and “Going to the dark side” you could say that she destroyed