Lord Capulet Rivalry

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Although Lord Capulet has a violent rivalry with the Montague family, and he is an unbiased host to all that deserve respect in the eyes of Verona. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Act one, Scenes one through five, the character Lord Capulet has two distinctive traits that define him. The traits of Lord Capulet are, he is violent, but at the same time unbiased against his foes. This shows how even though he may be a fighter, he is still a honest man. He is still a violent man and this is proven in the book. In act one scene one, there was a bit of a quarrel between a few Montagues and a few Capulets, and swords were soon drawn when Lord Capulet shows up and states, “What noise is this? Give me my long sword, ho!” (1.1.13-76). This quote is proving …show more content…

In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Act one, Scenes one through five, the character Lord Capulet has two distinctive traits that define him. The second trait is how he is unbiased against his enemy’s especially when they are respected in the area he is in and even when they are the son of their foe. This shows how he is an unbiased person, even when they are the son of his foe, but still deserve respect. In Act one, Scene five, Benvolio and Romeo went and snuck into a montague party, thrown by Lord Capulet himself, so Romeo can take his mind off