
Lord Creon Character Analysis

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In the play Antigone, Sophocles portrayed Creon as the true tragic hero because of the major flaws. A tragic hero is visioned as a character who supports a poor decision and in the end he has brought destruction upon himself and or his family. Creon consisted of a few characteristic flaws which are Hubris (excessive pride), Peripeteia (reversal of fortune), and the outcome was that he suffered more than he deserved to. In the play written by Sophocles, a tragic hero is depicted as being the essence to his own ruination. Lord Creon was the tragic hero in the play Antigone. His substantial weakness was his excessive pride (Hubris). He felt that he was superior to all and he couldn’t imagine being disobeyed by anybody. That soon would be …show more content…

In one hand she was part of the royal family and on the other hand he wanted to keep his word to his people of the city. He does it anyway and his motive behind this decision was that he was just trying to have the best for his people. In reality he was way too overprotective and it backfired on his “good” actions he thought he was enforcing. After being greeted by Tiresias and when he left, he also consulted with the Chorus. He took their advice and said “ It’s so painful to pull back/ but I cannot fight against necessity/ It’s up to me/ I put her away, I must be there to release her” (l.1105-1112) . It was too late and by that time Antigone was dead. Karma hit Creon’s family instantly and Haemon/Eurydice both committed suicide.
In a perspective you can say Antigone was the real tragic hero in this play. Antigone did a honorable deed by burying her brother. She knew the consequences that would arise, but she did it anyway because she loved her own dearly. That character flaw is the “hero must understand his doom and that his/her actions caused it. Everybody may have empathy with Antigone because how she sacrificed her life. In the same way Creon was the bigger tragic hero here. He had lost his wife and his son because of Hamartia, the error of

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