
Lord Hath Research Paper

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When the children of Israel were about to invade the land of Canaan, Joshua sent two men secretly to spy or view the land of Jericho. When they got to the city, they lodged in the house of a Canaanite woman whose name was Rahab (Joshua 2:1). The people of the city that saw those men told the king of Jericho about the strangers who came into the city and lodged in the home of Rahab. When the king of Jericho heard about the Israelites spies, he sent a message to Rahab demanding that she bring out the men that was in her house. Rahab acted in faith instead of fear and hid the two Hebrew spies under the bundles of flax plants on the roof of her house, as well concealed the reason while the men came to Jericho. The army guards searched throughout Rahab’s home in order to arrest and take the spies as prisoners but could not find …show more content…

And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath (Joshua 2:9, 11). Rahab did not claim that the God of Israel was her God, she said for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and in earth beneath. Her words to the spies proved that she acted based on what she heard about the God of Israel and believed in the same God when she saw and hid the spies with great confidence that the Lord God of Israel is powerful and able to save her and her family, and she choose to recognized His greatness and follow the God of Israel. In return of her faith, the Lord saved her and her family and she did not perish with the rest who believed not, which also proved that she was an indigenous person of the land of Canaan, a Canaanite (Joshua

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