
Lord Of The Flies Civilization Analysis

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The Corruption of Freedom In this world, many individuals gravitate towards freedom and do what’s best for their survival needs. Civilization is the way people proceed to live in a particular nation on the other hand savagery is being fierce, cruel and uncivilized. In William Golding’s, “Lord of the Flies” the theme of civilization vs savagery is discussed and it becomes clear that without laws and order humans reveal their true identities. Jack, Roger, and Ralph’s perspective on civilization takes a shift into a bad direction. The boy’s mindset diverges in multiple ways throughout the novel. Jack’s identity of savagery is shown when he first is a leader of a choir group but slowly evolves into a hunter. His presence always made him seem angry as he mentions “I cut the pig’s throat” pg. 73, this shows jack is ruthless, just stating cutting the pigs throat specifically truly shows the intentions of a ruthless murder. As Jack was cutting the pigs throat he describes “There was lashings of blood… laughing and shuddering, you should have seen it… we’ll go hunting everyday” pg. 73, Jack’s …show more content…

Which is why he feels no guilt towards what he does “Roger advanced upon them as one wielding a nameless authority” pg. 202, Roger believes that at a point he is able to over rule his leader Jack as he just misses to push him. If he gets this power he is able to cruel on others; this gives him an advantage of being the “nameless authority” by telling others what to do, and having control over them. To roger, being in power means that he is able to get his way out from the crimes he performs. Roger first throws rocks at littluns but purposely misses as he was bound to the laws of morality but his savage behaviour unleashes as he kills piggy and he loses a sense of his humanity. In this case, the identity of savagery is shown upon roger from his barbaric intentions he does to get what he

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