
Lord Of The Flies Civilization Vs Civilization Essay

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Is it true that society and humankind have weaknesses and faults? Would we even be a society or even people if we didn’t have weaknesses or faults? The need for civilization can affect both individuals and society. Civilization affects society and individuals in many ways. If a society does not have fairness and order there won’t be civilization; if a society does have fairness and order there will be civilization, and without order it is hard for an individual to think clearly and rationally. The book, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is about a group of British boys who crash on an island and want to survive. Along the way they choose a leader, but after a while some of the boys go against the leader and form their own group. …show more content…

Jack states on page 127, “I’m not going to play any longer. Not with you.” “Most of the boys were looking down now, at the grass or their feet. Jack cleared his throat again” “I’m not going to be a part of Ralph’s lot-” This means that since Jack went off by himself the rest of the boys needed to decide who they would stay with, which disrupts their order and fairness. To continue, if a society does have fairness and order there will be civilization. The book states on page 129, “Now that there was something to be done they worked with passion. Piggy was so full of delight and expanding liberty in Jack’s departure, so full of pride in his contribution to the good of society, that he helped to fetch wood.” This means that since Jack was gone everything went smoothly and everyone did their part to make the fire and keep their society fair and in order. Finally, without order it is hard for an individual to think clearly and rationally. In the book, on page 196 the author wrote, “ Think. What was the sensible thing to do? There was no Piggy to talk sense. There was no solemn assembly for debate nor dignity of the conch. Think.” This means that since there wasn’t order from the assembly or the conch or even Piggy to talk to, it was hard for the person to think of what to do on their

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