Lord Of The Flies Disunity Analysis

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Leaders, they can be any shape, size, color, gender or profession, but one thing is common, they must be able to unite the people that they lead. This is very true in the Lord of the Flies where there are leaders, but there are never long term goals to reach. Society is prevented on the island by the disunity seen in the leaders and in the people they lead. This is quite apparent when the choir acts separated and almost exempt from Ralph’s leadership. William Golding is telling us that we, as a society, must work together to avoid chaos caused by disunity. Disunity prevents society from flourishing because it splits people when they should be set on one goal. This issue causes the group to usually be split and factionalized on important issues. In the story, Piggy and Ralph want to build a shelter, however, Jack and his troupe are focused on hunting and gathering food. These kind of disagreements and inability to understand the opposite faction’s arguments promote disunity and strife among the group. William Golding is attempting to tell us that disunity is a problem that does not necessarily affect us in the same way it might Piggy and Ralph, but there are still problems that persist today that are …show more content…

My final piece of evidence is the fact that when Ralph wanted people to tend the fire, they ran off and hunted without consideration of the consequences of their actions for everyone on the island. This example of disunity is my favorite because it is extremely apparent and almost undebatable since it clearly illustrates my point. Society on the island can be minimized by a lot of factors but disunity is obviously the main culprit. William Golding is also trying to tell us that we, as a society, need to avoid disunity because it can tear us apart and make us forget about what really is important, as well as forgetting our original goals and getting wrapped up in entirely useless