Lord Of The Flies Extrinsic Analysis

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I believe good is intrinsic, while evil is extrinsic. Intrinsic means essential. Extrinsic means not part of the essential nature of someone or something. Everyone is born with a friendly soul but they have the ability to learn to become evil. Some people in life may seem along the lines of evil since they were born. The reason to that is, something in their life could've happened to them to make them that way or certain people, in general, make them like that. There is good in everyone sometimes you just have to look deep to see it.
Evil is a very powerful word, it means to be profoundly immoral and malevolent. No one can come into this world and hate everyone and thing to be malevolent towards them. Kids are innocent and kind, they may be a little rough but they are definitely not born with evil inside them. If some people are evil they had to learn it, it didn't come naturally.
The author of “Lord of the Flies”, Golding, believes evil is intrinsic to human beings. He thinks in the human mind, placing someone below themselves increases their self-confidence so that they feel …show more content…

As the boys on the island go from well-behaved, children waiting for someone to rescue them to, bloodthirsty hunters who have no desire to return to civilization, they lose the sense of innocence that they had at the beginning of the book. The boys who took Jack’s side and became savages, become evil towards the end of the book.
The Lord of the Flies opens your eyes to see the capabilities of evil in all things. All of the boys on the island are tempted by evil, but Ralph, Piggy, Simon and SamnEric don't give in. The boys' struggle between their anarchic driving force, and Ego, their sense, and rationale, represent the ongoing feud between good and evil and is both exciting and emotional. The Lord of the Flies is a greatly written novel and is great to read for anyone dealing with evil in their