Lord Of The Flies Human Nature Essay

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Evil in Human Nature. Albert Einstein once said, “The real problem is in the hearts and minds of men. It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man.” The idea of humans being naturally evil has been discussed by many people throughout history. This includes but is not limited to the literature piece that William Golding wrote, titled Lord of the Flies. Throughout this novel, many young children express actions that can support the thought process: humans are naturally evil and they will always revert back to that if they are left to their bare instincts. In Lord of the Flies, evil in human nature is gradually shown throughout the novel by the constant harassment of Piggy, the hallucination between Simon and the …show more content…

During this moment, the swine’s head is referred to as, “The Lord Of The Flies” (Golding 143) and talks to Simon about who the beast truly is. This is able to be deciphered in the following text, “‘Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!’ [...] ‘You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you, right? Close, close, close!’” (Golding 143). From the previous quote, it can be understood that the beast is not a true physical form. However, it is the evil entity that is naturally within every boy that is on the island. From the context clues that can be used regarding the interaction between Simon and The Lord Of The Flies, it can be understood that the boys are not able to hunt the beast, because the beast is not a physical thing yet it is something that lies within all the boys, evil. After the vicious kill of Piggy and the confirmation of evil that The Lord Of The Flies gives Simon, the savage boys now turn to a new idea: to finally plan out and execute a kill. Jack and his tribe plan to kill the only civil boy on the island, Ralph. After being captured by Jack, Sam and Eric provide Ralph with the following information, “‘Roger sharpened a stick at both ends.’”(Golding