
Lord Of The Flies Is Human Nature Inherently Good Or Evil

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Adele Beleckaite Mrs. Kirkpatrick English 10 Honors - period 2 3/15/23 Is Human Nature Inherently Good or Evil? Is human nature inherently virtuous or vile? What makes human nature turn to savage ways? Why do some choose to be moral while others do not? Many of these questions have puzzled societies for thousands of years. Lord of the Flies is a novel about how civilized boys crash on a deserted island and resort to primitive evil and savage ways as time passes. In his novel Lord of the Flies, Golding depicts human nature as evil; however, human nature is designed to be good which is prominently conveyed in the world today. In his fictional story, Golding presents human nature as evil. Jack, a schoolboy, …show more content…

In the text, the boys chant while hunting the beast [Simon the schoolboy], “‘Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!’… There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws… and already its blood staining the sand… Simon’s dead body moved out toward the open sea” (Golding 152 – 154). The boys present the mob mentality that the world often has. If one person does something, then others will follow by example. However, it is possible to take mob mentality and use it for good. If one person leads by example with courtesy, then others will follow. All it takes is one person. The boys also were not able to see the beast. If it was not the night, the boys would not have murdered Simon because they would have seen it was him. This implies that the ferocious behavior that the boys exhibit of course is completely inhumane considering they are young boys who just murdered one of their own. However, how many times has the world heard of a situation similar to the one just described? Not often, if at all. While people can result to evil and savage behavior, there is …show more content…

The Amendments is a historical document which contains changes made to the Constitution. This document demonstrates good human behavior because the world was fighting for basic human rights so that everyone may have a chance of a qualitative life. The 14th Amendment states, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws” (Bingham Amendment 14). This Amendment was written so that everyone in the United States of America may have basic human rights. Not fighting for these rights would have caused an uproar in society. If not every had these rights, then people would treat others inhumanely further continuing immoral behavior. However, because of the 14th Amendment, the world has righteous human nature. Similar to how the 14th Amendment was fought and written for equal rights to all, the Baltic Way was a peaceful movement done in sought for freedom from the Soviet Union. The Baltic Way was “A human chain linking three states in the pursuit of freedom. As a show of unity in their pursuit of freedom, almost two million people joined hands on 23 August 1989 to form the 600-kilometre Baltic Way that spanned across Lithuania, Latvia,

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