
Lord Of The Flies Rough Draft Analysis

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Lord of the flies’ rough draft In the human body there are many emotions one being fear where the act of having too much power can destroy a person making them fearful and causing them to do unthinkable acts. In the novel “The lord of the Flies “William Golding when a group of English boys are left stranded in a peaceful island. When their plane they were traveling was shot down becoming separated during the crash two boy named Ralph and Piggy find a conch shell with the conch Ralph decides to blow on it leashing a loud noise. Discovering the potential that the conch gave Ralph and Piggy, they were able to find the other boys. Realizing that there were no adults present the boys decided to put Ralph in charge. During the novel Golding states some but mainly has more environment external factors but mainly has more biology internal factors when the boy are faced with fear and power. …show more content…

Indicating that he had too much pride to be listening to a younger boy. This outcome caused the tribes to have conflict with in each other. Also to overthink things such as the beast where they thought they would be killed. Which really meant that the beast was the fear that was with in each of them. Resulting the boys becoming distant and overthinking situations for example giving sacrifices to the beast in the act of living. Ralph stating that “He felt himself facing something ungraspable “making him have fear and worry especially when the fire went out and a ship past. Ralph started to loss hope in ever being

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