
Lore Research Paper Outline Of Mexican Culture

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Mexican Culture Lore Research Paper Outline turn back was if she ate a chicken so she did and she turned back to human and her and her prince lived happily ever after. In the “Gypsy queen” another one of my fairy tales there was a king who had one son. When the prince reached a marriageable age, he told his parents, "I want to marry the most beautiful woman in the whole world. He stopped and got a orange and cut it and out of his eye he saw a dove which he fell in love with. These fairytales are common in the fact that they are both having to do with love, while one the first fairytale is forcing the love, while the second it's meant to happen. Love is big in mexico because the people believe in giving and loving which is one of there biggest …show more content…

2006. Web. 28 Apr. 2017.Legends are based on history, while they are also embellished which is when that legend is exaggerated just a little bit, for example he was as strong as a god. Legends are also told and retold. Myths on the other hand, are based on religion so any kind of folklore that has religion tied to it, it is considered a myth. Also they have supernatural being, for example la llorona is a supernatural being, also there can be gods, and demigods, they also explain natural phenomena which are specific explanations. Fairy tales are fiction, which means they are not normally true. Since they are fiction one of the things they are based on is magic, also based on fantastic elements, which are things are out of ordinary, or unbelievable, one of the main characteristics fairy tales use is imaginary creatures, which can be like a duck that can talk for example, last thing they use is conflict usually between the protagonist and the antagonist. A fable is just a fairy tale that teaches a lesson for example a good one is the tortoise and the hair. They often use animals, which are usually ends with a consequence. A Tall Tales or based on history, they often have blatant mistruths, which are lies, but that doesn't mean it's always lies, they have some truths in them. These are also told and retold. The Mexican culture relies alot on religion. They are a very superstitious that's why most of their folklore lies in mythology, Since they are based off religion their values are probably god, and there family, literature gave them basically a way of knowing something is true and a way thing or people can be remembered so it's influenced them gradually, the mexican culture influenced literature by giving them different varieties` of stories to tell. FolkLore gives us a way of knowing stuff in the future it's a way of writing that is say exaggerated but also the truth to the cultures beliefs. While Oral Tradition helped shape folklore by

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