Loss Of Faith In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Within a world that has endured so much tragedy, and so many crippling hardships, people are often forced to consider how exactly they are going to handle the adversity that they are faced with. Do they run at it head on and recklessly attempt to deal with it? Do they lose faith with their religion and their God? Or do they simply pray, and hope that amongst all of their misery that something good will come of it and a light will be found in the end? Those are the hard decisions that people are forced to make on the daily, and maybe the questions that we have, or the lack of faith we endure is what makes us stronger at the end of the day. At the start of the memoir “Night”, Elie Wiesel strongly emphasizes his faith, and the powerful connection that he shares …show more content…

On page sixty-five, after two men and one boy are hanged in the gallows, Wiesel wrote, “From behind me I heard a man asking for God’s sake, where is God? And from within me I heard an answer: Where He is? This is where-hanging from this gallows…” In my opinion, this is the moment that Elie has lost the entirety of any faith that he had ever held onto, as he believed that God had hung with the men, and that He had then died alongside them. Later on in the memoir, we learn his faith has been extinguished even more so, and that he is angry with God as he refuses to take part in Yom Kippur, and even acts as though his refusal is an form of rebellion towards God. Yet throughout all this, Elie had forgotten, or ceased to understand the lesson that Moishe was so desperately trying to make him understand at the beginning. Amongst all the Jew’s suffering, God was there. I don’t believe that there was anything that He could’ve done to help the Jews, but He was there none the less trying to allow them to find