Loss Of Hope In Dante's Inferno

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Before entering Hell, Dante sees a stone sign that holds the message “Abandon all hope ye who enter here” on it as a warning for anyone entering into Hell (I, III, 31). Hell itself is a hopeless place filled with hopeless souls. Every single soul that has been damned to stay in Hell for all eternity shares a single punishment with all other damned souls: the loss of hope. From the “nearly soulless” that run in the Vestibule of Hell to Satan in the center of Hell, hope is abandoned in their sufferings (I, III, 31). However, the souls that do not reside in Hell and have not been damned still possess hope through divine salvation. No one that forever belongs in Hell has hope of being saved, but other souls do possess hope through salvation. The loss of hope is the one common punishment of every sinner in Hell. Dante the pilgrim, in his spiritual traveling throughout the Inferno, encounters a plethora of different punishments distributed out to the damned souls that occupy the nine rings that form Hell. Each punishment is a kind of poetic justice suited for each kind of sin being punished and always includes the …show more content…

Jesus has descended into Hell and granted salvation to the souls in Limbo with hope. With the absence of these saved souls, every soul left in Hell has no hope of salvation. The sigh that states “Abandon all hope ye who enter here” acts as a warning for only the souls damned to stay in Hell for all of eternity (I, III, 31). No matter what ring of Hell a soul is punished within, the loss of hope is part of their punishment. Dante is one of the few that enter Hell that retains hope. His journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven is what grants him salvation and the reason he never loses hope. The souls atoning for their sins in Purgatory have hope of salvation since all the most do is wait and atone in order to be in Heaven. The hope is only stripped from the souls damned to Hell while every other soul possess hope for