Loss Of Innocence In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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“Kill the beast!Cut his throat!Spill his blood!”(Golding 152).The book “Lord of The Flies”by William Golding is an allegorical book about the loss of innocence and how evil humans can be due to the devil’s influence.For instance being left on an island in the middle of the ocean with no adults sounds like a blast.But is not as fun and games as it seems. A group of boys on a deserted island tend to be pretty innocent.The group of boys during World War 2 were traveling on a plane when it crashed.Leaving the boys on a deserted island all alone with no authority.Ralph and Piggy look around to find people when they come across a conch.”We can use this to call the others.Have a meeting.They’ll come when they can hear us.”(Golding 16).Ralph blows …show more content…

Viciously attacking him, beating him to death. “The world,that understandable and lawful world,was slipping away.”(Golding 91).Not aware that it was their friend.Therefore stealing his life. Piggy and Ralph go to Jack's camp to get piggy’s glasses back after Jack stole them.Showing more of his selfishness and evil-ness.Jack and Ralph get into a fight.Roger one of the boys on Jacks side pushes a boulder that results in the death of Piggy. “Piggy fell forty feet and landed on his back across the square red rock in the sea.His head opened and stuff came out and turned red.”(Golding 181).Representing all their innocence dying with Piggy.Having the strength to unlodge a boulder takes power and strength,but not in a good way. Power can be a good influence until it completely takes over.Forcefully Jack made SamnEricjoin the crew of savages.After the death of Piggy,symbolizing all innocence is truly gone with Piggy and the conch.Turning everyone against Ralph.Because Jack had gone completely …show more content…

That ship had a naval officer that got off to rescue them. “I should have thought that a pack of british boys-you’re all british aren’t you?-would have been able to put up a better show than that.”(Golding 202).That response from the naval officer gave away the irony that grown ups in the adult world are also influenced by the savage news and babarouness from time to time.Abruptly ending the book with that tragic evil ending.But however in the end the boys were finally saved. To sum up all the words I've said, the book The Lord of the Flies illustrates how with the absence of adults and normal humane things.Showing how it drives some people mad,but showing how some people still seem to remain calm and civilized in certain circumstances.Because all people that experience situations without adults and rules functions the same.This story is a clear reminder that it doesn’t matter what your age is,because when it comes down to it anyone can be savage.Portraying the innocence of a child can easily be lost under certain circumstances.Therefor makes up our world.Emphasizing that humanity would be lost without question if conditions ever got so