Lottery Vs Lottery

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Every person wants money, especially if making money doesn’t include hard work. Imagine being able to receive money by just a game of chance. The idea of having luck people get from making this money by chance leads to things like gambling and depending on the game itself. The lottery also being a game of opportunity has people relying on it for the prospect and hope of winning substantial money. The lottery is not an ethical or effective way to raise revenues for education because it allows people to gamble, it targets those in challenging situations, and the money produced from it rarely ends up going to things like educational funding and the profits aren’t substantial.
The lottery gives people more opportunities and ways to gamble, however, some individuals claim that people will gamble with or without the lottery (Haugen 19). On the contrary to some individual’s claims, the lottery creates higher rates of gambling. One example is slot machines are being used in some lotteries (Steinberg). Furthermore, the fact game machines are being used in the lottery shows it is another way to play with your money and gamble. Another example is how the government and states are holding their own gambling games through the lottery (Steinberg). In fact, the way the states are going about holding the lotteries seems to be just a more organized, mass way of gambling. The last example is just like gambling, the lottery is a money generator and a game of chance (Haugen 30). People use both