
Short Essay: The Story Of Louis Braille

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The Story of Louis Braille
Have you ever thought of what it might be like if you weren’t able to see? How would your day to day activities change and the way you communicate with others be different? The way that we communicate with others plays a vital role in our everyday life. Louis Braille, was a man that changed the way people who are blind communicated with others. He had an interesting childhood where he actually became blind due to an accident that occurred. Louis Braille changed mass communication for people who are blind and impacted the world with his invention of the Braille system.
Louis Braille was born January 4th, 1809 in Coupvray, France. His mother was Monique Braille and his father, Simon-Rene Braille and he has three siblings. His father was a village saddler who designed, rebuild, manufactured and repaired a wide variety of saddlery. His father had a workshop that Louis spent a great deal of time in and when Louis was three he was playing …show more content…

That’s when Louis Braille took the system and began to work night and day to improve it and make it easier and more efficient for himself and others who were blind. Louis worked on this new system for two years and when he was 15 he had created a new code that was faster to read and less difficult to learn. Louis took his two early influences of this form of writing and combined their best qualities. His new form of writing would use a system of dots which could be formed into multiple patterns to form letters, conjunctions, and contractions. Braille, as it would become known as, took Barbier’s dots and turned them to outwards so that a blind person’s finger could feel the dots on the paper. This new system would become very popular as Louis worked tirelessly to translate most of the works in his schools

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