Louisiana Culture

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Because the first four chapters of Louisiana: The History of an American State create a vivid picture, producing illustrated summaries becomes easy. Illustrated summaries represent the understanding of a chapter. These are four different images that can represent Louisiana’s culture, geography, economy, and government. Chapter 1 in the textbook discusses culture, which includes festivals, regions, and people. The image that represents Ch.1, Louisiana’s culture shows the five cultural regions, Mardi Gras beads, and music notes. Because the five cultural regions group together different cultures, they support the illustration in showing Louisiana culture. Mardi Gras, a tradition in Louisiana, fills streets with beads. As a result, beads become a representation of the festival, therefore benefit the depiction of Louisiana culture. Music, constructing the base of our culture, enhances the elements of LA’s culture. Because the music notes symbolize excitement and music, they assist the portrayal of the sketch (p.5-29). All of the symbols above contribute to the understanding of Louisiana’s culture. …show more content…

Ch.2’s illustration displays Louisiana’s natural region, weather symbols, and lines of latitude and longitude. The image contains the five major natural regions, which refers to elevation and relief. The natural regions aid the understanding Louisiana’s geography. Representing the signs for rain, temperature, sun, and hurricane, the weather symbols benefit Louisiana’s geography because the weather can change the physical appearance of the land, therefore benefiting the depiction of the geography. The lines of latitude and longitude help illustrate geography because they represent boundaries (p.37-61). These figures all supply the illustration with the ability to depict LA’s

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