Love 2.0 Analysis

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Emotions, environment, and how it affects decisions Why do we feel? We feel based on cause and effect relationship between people and their environment. This relationship has decides how we make judgments and critical thoughts. In Barbara Frederickson 's “love 2.0” she explains the chemical imbalance that happens when humans are loved or falling in love, the same rules for love can be applied to motions in general. In Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Power of Context” he explains the change in human behavior based on the environments that they are in. Together these two texts can explain how emotions affect human judgment and critical thought. The cause and effect relationship between people and their environment allows for emotion to come in the process …show more content…

“In the very moment that you experience positivity resonance, your brain syncs up with the other person’s brain” (110 Fredrickson). So with this information it can be determined that if a person 's brain is coupled with another their brains will release the same chemicals allowing them to always be on the same page. “In other words, speaking with and listening to the human voice appear to activate the much of the same exact brain activity at pretty much the same time”(Fredrickson 111). This affects your social behavior which requires judgement and critical thought. So people who are in a deep conversation will likely have the same emotions, and if asked to do something during that conversation would have the same reaction as the other person they are engaged with. If it was a conversation driven with flirty intention oxytocin is released and “Oxytocin has long been known to play a key role in social behavior”(114 Fredrickson). So going back to the chemical imbalances along with the brain coupling it is undeniable why emotions play a huge role in our decision making. Emotions let us know where our mental health is at the time of the decision and to see if we are stable enough to go along with that decision. Emotions are indicators to let us know if we are ready to move on or if we need to linger for longer to develop enough to move on. This can go back to the prison experiment in Gladwell’s texts, the emotions of the guards had told them it’s okay for them to become more cruel because of their position. And as for the prisoners they had lost all contact to their old self so their emotions told them to become regressive. According to one of the subjects “I was distant from me, was remote, until finally i wasn’t that person. I was 416. I was really my number and 416 was really going to have to decide what to do. This subject had regressed to the point where he had to disconnect his old self from his prison

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