Love: A Love Story In Toni Morrison's Love

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Jazz, is a love story, a kind of Black romance, which was the result of Toni Morrison’s sudden interest in the photo of an 18 year old girl who died while dancing at a rent party. She was shot by her ex-boy friend. Jazz recounts the days of the Harlem Renaissance. Harlem a township near New York had become a center of African-American First World War years. Almost half a century after the Bill of Emancipation (1865), the blacks realized that their freedom without economic opportunity was a sick joke. In the post war years, thousands of blacks migrated to the northern cities like Detroit, Chicago and New York. These cities offered them real jobs. Their jubilant was expressed in their dance and music. Later it came to be known as the jazz age. In the residential Harlem, the locals held recent parties, where they hired musicians to play in their homes and charged a small fee to cover the weeks rent. It was at one such party that the girl in the photograph was killed. Toni Morrison has used the account of the death as the plot of her novel. Born, raised and married in the South, Joe and Violet Trace migrated to the North in search of a better life. Being childless, their world had shrunk to Violet’s job as a hairdresser and Joe’s mechanical rounds as a …show more content…

Love is another chronicle in Morrison 's continuing exploration of the lives, communities, and histories of African Americans. The story specifically questions the meanings of love for Post-Civil Rights movement African-American communities. The novel has as its center the pre-integration gathering site of Cosey 's Hotel and Resort, a beach escape for middle-class African Americans. This site becomes the locale for the very particular conflict between the novel 's main characters, Heed and Christine Cosey, as well as a stage for the exploration of the larger issues of assimilations vs nationalism, class conflicts, and sexism as they affect African-American