Steve Jobs Do What You Love Rhetorical Analysis

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Pursuing a career in a field that we love is a dream that all of us have, but with this ideal situation, a couple questions arise. Will it provide a supportive income? Doing what makes us happy versus doing what is economical: Which outweighs the other? According to Steve Jobs, in his 2005 speech “Do What You Love”, it is important to do what we love and worry about the income later. Jobs states, “...have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” Additionally, trust that the dots will connect somehow: Do not lose faith (Jobs). Steve Jobs accurately and effectively communicates his ideas in this speech by using sufficient quality of information, clear and logical organization, and maintaining a sufficient writing style/tone, all of which contribute to a strong and compelling argument. One aspect that strengthens this presentation is the quality and quantity of his information. To achieve an accurate argument within his speech, Jobs keeps the information contained in this lecture understandable and consistent. He gives three accounts of his life to guide the story and prove the main point of his speech: Do what we love …show more content…

With accurate tone and style, a logical sequence of information, and clear quality/quantity of material, we can conclude that he fairly represents this claim. While the point may hold true for his personal experience, not everyone is as lucky to achieve that goal. A multitude of people work jobs they despise simply because it pays the bills. Through hard work and perseverance we can obtain a job that make us happy while simultaneously providing a supportive income. We deserve to make our dreams reality. Think about it: Are you working to be happy or happy to be