Kinnell And Doolittle: A Poetry Analysis

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“We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love.”- Mother Teresa. Despair can make someone feel imprisoned and alone, but if they can wait long enough there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The aftermath of a relationship can leave one person okay and the other broken, and the hurt that they feel will make it seem as though they can not go on, as talked about in both poems. These authors both discuss heartbreak, but they have different opinions when it comes to a resolution for their agony. Galway Kinnell and Hilda Doolittle both wrote about despair in similar …show more content…

Neither author comes out and says that they are talking about suicide, but it is to be presumed that it is what they mean. Heartbreak happens and sometimes it gets so bad that one may feel that they can no longer carry on with the way they are living, so they decide to take their own life. In the poem “Prisoners” some lines that allude to this are “ . . . a last token that we are not forgot, lost in this turmoil, about to be crushed out, burned or stamped out at best with sudden death. . . . I gave all I had left”. This means that the author has tried all they could to make their life better. Due to this they can no longer hope that their life will get better so they decided to end it all. The poem “Wait” describes a similar situation in the lines “. . . Wait. Don’t go too early. You’re tired. But everyone’s tired. But no one is tired enough”. An interpretation of this is that the author is pleading with the person not to take their own life because of their hopelessness. They also describe that everyone gets these feelings at one point in their life, but if they can wait their life will get better. “Prisoners” and “Wait” both describe suicide in a discreet way which adds depth to both of the poems …show more content…

This is because I think that even after your heart has been broken you should pick yourself back up and carry on. From the poem, “Personal events will become interesting again. Hair will become interesting again. . . . the need for the new love is faithfulness to the old. . . .”. This explains hopefulness by saying things in life will become interesting again and that you will have a new look at life. The hopeful tone of the poem is encouraging to anyone that is going through pain that things will get better with time. It also explains that to be able to fall in love again you have to know that there is a chance that your heart can be broken once more. I think that the beauty of heartbreak is that we know going into a relationship that it is a