Loyalty In King Lear

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Throughout the tragedy of King Leer Shakespeare uses loyalty as a key theme. Loyalty surpasses other important themes as the most critical aspect of each character. Yet, each individual exhibits loyalty in a different way. King Leer disowns Cordelia, but she remains loyal to her father in his time of need. Conversely, Goneril and her sister Regan alter the plot by being disloyal to everyone except themselves. Edgar’s father believes that he is a traitor, yet he remains loyal and cares for his blinded father. The repeated theme of loyalty drives the development of the plot. Consequently, loyalty and the lack thereof are the most important aspects of the tragedy. By standing up to her father’s demand for love, Cordelia reveals her loyalty …show more content…

Again, like Goneril Regan showers her father in love and affection, but then plots with her sister against the king. Once, both Regan and Goneril fall in love with Edmund, Regan’s disloyalty makes the largest impact upon the plot. Goneril is found dead, “by her [Regan] is poisoned; she [Regan] confesses it.” (Shakespeare 5.3.202) in her jealousy, Regan poisons and kills her sister. Goneril and Regan are not only allies, but also sisters, they are so disloyal even amongst themselves that one kills the other. Since neither of them were able to keep their loyalties straight to even each other, they force the plot towards its tragic …show more content…

Born the legitimate son of Gloucester, Edgar is the rival to his bastard brother Edmund. Edmund feels that life is cheating him because of his status as a bastard and seeks to ruin Edgar’s name by fabricating a plot against his life. Though, Gloucester disowns Edgar for his false accusations Edgar saves his father’s life. Gloucester, a victim of his bastards plotting has his eyes removed and wishes nothing but death, “Bring me but to the very brim of it” (Shakespeare 4.2.73) to which Edgar in disguise responds, “Poor Tome shall lead thee.” (Shakespeare 4.2.78). However, instead of leading his father to the cliff he wishes to commit suicide off, Edgar tricks Gloucester into jumping off a small hill, he faints during the short descent but recovers to Edgar in yet another disguise. Now play the role of a gentleman, Edgar explains how a demon wished for Gloucester to jump and is miraculously saved, giving him a reason to live. Edgar’s loyalty and cunning save his father who had previously disowned his own son because of an unsubstantiated claim. Had Edgar been disloyal to his father and blamed him for his injustices Gloucester would have died instead of contributing to the rest of the plot. Being a character with great influence and wealth, Gloucester has the ability to affect change within the kingdom, if Edgar did not have the loyalty to family, especially the loyalty of