Lucinda Ramberg Prostitution

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Prostitution, a colossal industry that dates back to 18th century B.C, spans across all nationalities and socioeconomic classes, yet its mass criminalization and lack of regulation forces workers into hazardous conditions and perpetuates the violation of fundamental human rights. In Lucinda Ramberg’s “Given to the Goddess,” the intertwining relationship of religion and prostitution is evaluated through Ramberg’s analysis of the social roles of devadasis, or servants of god. Devadasis begin as children within lower castes whose parents, seeking either to preserve familial lineage or avoid possible afflictions imposed by the gods, dedicate the children into a celestial marriage through which they are mortally bound to a god. Due to both their …show more content…

The criminalization of prostitution originates in the misogynist stigma of passionlessness, which limits female sexuality solely to reproductive purposes and ignores fundamental human rights; therefore, global societies should decriminalize this industry in efforts to enhance workers’ autonomy, validate their individual believes, and regulate an otherwise perilous …show more content…

According to Amnesty International, the criminalization of prostitution allows for the continual violation of sex workers’ human rights; therefore, the prostitution industry should be legalized in order to preserve the welfare of those working within it. Criminalization infringes upon the workers’ right to free choice of employment and the right to favorable working conditions. Devadasis are unique from other women in their community in that they bear the responsibility of supporting their natal families, thus their participation within the sex industry is essential for their survival. Ramberg writes, the “value is both material and symbolic… brothel-based devadasis emphasized the material contributions they were able to make to their natal families through sex work, village-based devadasis focused on the livelihood they derived through ritual work,” (169). Prostitution often serves as a final resort for individuals looking to preserve themselves and their families. Opponents to Amnesty International’s movement to decriminalize prostitution suggest that workers within these illegal industries ought to be seeking ways to opt out of sex work. In their 2015 petition, opponents argue that rather than decriminalizing the industry entirely, measures should be taken to safeguard those who choose to