Luke Levar Short Stories

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As the door creaked ajar, Luke LeVar, a tall, slender 19-year old, crept outside towards a shiny, silver-looking car that was apparently gleaming from a neon sign that glowed “Les fruits et légumes”. While moving at a turtle’s pace, holding a couple of plastic bags full of vegetables and fruits, roughly half a dozen of bulky, tall men that all wore what appeared to be expensive clothing, golden Nike shoes, and appeared before Luke. Amongst the group was a stern looking man who looked roughly 8 years older than Luke. He took out his switchblade and exclaimed, “Get that kid and make sure he doesn’t escape!” One of the men responded with zeal, “Sure, Felix. I’ll make him give in,” Luke rushed into his car and aviated over the city of Saskatoon as he shouted, “Oh, …show more content…

As Luke swiftly ascended, a couple more people got into their bright, shiny, red shuttle that left a huge puff of dark gray smoke like a dragon. As the Shredders inched closer, Luke murmured, “We need to defend ourselves against those Shredders,” As they flew over a couple of mountains and cities, Luke attempted to take down Malson’s shuttle by shooting out a large, red beam towards them. Before destructing Malson’s shuttle, he shouted lividly, “Take this!” as he shot back a beam that destructed both vehicles as they accelerated towards the bumpy, gelid, and barren ground. Thud! A puff of thick smoke pervaded the air as all the Shredders lay there underneath the rubble in gore, while Luke and James, covered in grime and lubricated, continued edging forward. “What are we going to do now? We don’t even have our car to go forward,” James complained as shafts of purple lights started to appear in the east and a glacial gust slapped and pinned their faces. Luke simply declared in a firm voice, “We are just going to move ahead! Anyway, we surmounted those pesky

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