Lumbricus Terrestris Lab Report

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In this experiment Lumbricus terrestris are being tested for their different types of breathing habits and carbon dioxide release. The Lumbricus terrestris were placed in different a container and placed in one incubator to find the carbon dioxide levels when put in heat. After the Lumbricus terrestris sat for 2 minutes, they would be placed within the incubator with the CO2 sensor attached to the container. This procedure was produced 5 different times. If the temperature is increased, then all the Lumbricus terrestris will release more carbon dioxide into the air or CO2 sensor. In the results, these Lumbricus terrestris produced more carbon dioxide in a higher temperature than in a lower one. For every temperature that the incubator was …show more content…

Lumbricus terrestris do not have lungs, humans have lungs that air inflates and deflates the lung itself. Lumbricus terrestris, instead of lungs, have a thin permeable skin that allows the oxygen to pass in and out of. The oxygen does not go directly through the thin permeable skin of the worm, but instead sinks in with the slim of the Lumbricus terrestris skin and works it way into the capillaries from there and flows through their circulatory system. Results by Sarah Billstein of Colorado University, states that the more sunlight (essentially heat) the more carbon dioxide produced by each …show more content…

Collected Lumbricus terrestris should be in a closed container, until otherwise instructed.
2. Prepare Lumbricus terrestris for experiment, open up the container and place the CO2 sensor in container.
3. Let them sit for 2 minutes before placing within the incubator.(Repeat for each trial)
4. Plug in the CO2 sensor into the computer and place it into the container in which the Lumbricus terrestris are already placed in. Place Lumbricus terrestris in incubator, change to desired temperature, of 15 Celsius, 26 Celsius, and 32 Celsius.
5. Observe the CO2 sensor and record the habits/levels of CO2.
6. Repeat these steps 5 times.
7. Clean out incubator and container for the Lumbricus terrestris and return them.

Table 1: The effect of temperature on the respiration rate of Lumbricus terrestris.
Hypothesis: If the temperature is increased, then all the Lumbricus terrestris will release more carbon dioxide.
Before 1

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