Luxury Vs Socrates

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The books found in "Plato: The republic" all constitute a constant question which they all try to define throughout the different books. What does it mean to be just? Who is a just person and what is justice? In this book a group of old men argues back and forth as to what they believe is the real definition of being a just person and what it means to live a just life. Additionally in book II of "Plato: The republic" two cities, "The city of pigs" and "The city of Luxury" were introduced on page 372,d. This paper will seek, to give some of the definitons of justice given throughout the first book leading up to the establishments of the two cities, then go on to establish which city I think is better and more just and why I believe so.

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He didn't feel like he knew it all but he could not have agreed with what any of them said. He always had questions for the claims they made and opposite thoughts to all the claims they made as to what constitutes justice and being a just person. I agree with socrates and the way he thinks that, justice definitely leads to friendship and a sense of common purpose, and polemachus definition of justice harming your friends and benefiting your enemies definitely goes against this, and proves Socrates definition of injustice to be true. That it causes civil war and hatred. In book II the city of pigs and the city of luxury was introduced. In the city of pigs, Socrates states what he believes would be ideal in this city. He first establishes that this city would be built based on mutual needs. Meaning that everyone in this city would need the same essentials, no less no more; having helpers and partners. Additionally, he also proposed that, each person in this society participate knowing that it is best for them, having to do everything on your own versus in a society. He made clear that each person does only what they are good at as a techne, which is like a art they are good at whether it's farming or the making of arts and crafts. He said they can take part in as much sexual activites as they please, but they were not allowed to make more children than resources. Reason being, if they had more people than resources, they believed that it would've lead to