Lyrics To Spongebob's Boating Exam

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SpongeBob: (SpongeBob's foghorn alarm goes off) This is it, Gary! Gary: Meow. (SpongeBob’s bed bounce up and flings SpongeBob at the calendar where he lands on March 3rd with the words 'boating exam today!' on it then drops to the floor) The big boating exam is today! I’ve never felt so capable! (door opens from underneath him. Comes out of his house riding a bike) I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready. Squidward! Squidward! Squidward: What? SpongeBob: I’m ready, Squidward! (SpongeBob rides his unicycle around Squidward's house) Squidward: Ready to move? SpongeBob: No, I’m ready to pass my boating test. (rides his bike towards the school) I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready… (stops his bike near a dumpster and jumps off of it) I’m ready-eady-eady-eady-eady-eady-eady-eady-ready. …show more content…

Puff: Oh! Oh my, this is splendid, SpongeBob. You’re doing fine. (SpongeBob stops at a stop sign and looks both ways before starting to drive again. Then drives around with his left arm out making a signal. Patrick still talking to SpongeBob through the walkie-talkie as SpongeBob drives over a big hill in the road. As Mrs. Puff writes a couple things on her clipboard, Patrick is putting on another pair of square pants. SpongeBob pulls back on the boat and the boat jumps in the air over a big anchor. Patrick finds SpongeBob’s diary and begins to read and laugh at it as SpongeBob jumps off a ramp through a ring of fire. Fred is walking across the course but SpongeBob stops the boat and helps him walk across. He gets back in the boat as Patrick is eating out of SpongeBob’s fridge. SpongeBob is sitting back and driving with his feet and driving upside down) Splendid! Wonderful! (sign that reads 'finish line' is just ahead) There’s the finish line. It’s unbelievable. You’ve shown the most spectacular improvement of any student I’ve ever seen. What’s your secret? A little radio in your head? (everyone laughs) Oh, and under that hat is some kind of, uhh, antenna? (everyone laughs) And some guy miles away from here is giving you all the answers? (everyone laughs) Oh, yes, but that would be cheating. (SpongeBob opens his eyes wide realizing he is

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