Mac Vs Mac Research Paper

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Mac/apple is a smart, good looking computer using an operating system call Mac. Most people prefer to use them but their product is not affordable to some, in their practically way Mac/computer or Mac operating system protects itself from virus. But that does not change the fact that some no meter what Mac/apple offer still using windows computer and declare it as their best and easy to maintain.
First over all my evaluation which I am going to present will not come from my personal experience but will base on the research conduct on some analyst as well as some expert comment a particularly on Mac/apple computer, example some of the comments made by some expert or analyst and here I quotes
An apple Macintosh computer .Macs are often praised for their superior functionality, ease of use and sleek design by their users, but are criticized by some, mostly those who use a PC either by choice or compulsion, for what is deemed a style-over-substance approach to computing. While there are certainly many advantages An Apple Macintosh computer comes with free software, called …show more content…

Although no computer system is 100% protected against viruses, the Apple Macintosh is designed to protect against viruses and security threats with a technique called "sandboxing," which restricts what files a program can access and what programs can run on your Mac. With Microsoft Windows, it's recommended that you purchase virus protection software for your computer.
One of the biggest differences between Windows and OS X comes in the form of hardware options. While Windows is available on computers from Dell, Lenovo, Acer, Alien ware and many other manufacturers, OS X is only available on Apple computers, Windows will offer you greater choice. However, because OS X is limited to Apple computers, it is able to utilize features only present on Mac devices such as Apple’s proprietary swipe

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