Mac Vs Mac Research Paper

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When it comes to laptop computers in the modern market, new-coming college students ultimately have two choices at hand: the age old question, Mac or PC. In today’s fast paced economy, consumers must make swift decisions using a variety of determining factors, such as quality of the hardware, security of the firmware, and a user friendly interface. Though pricing affects the overall quality of a computer, it is important to remind the buyer, “you will get what you pay for.” With Windows, that is just what you get. Though Windows and Apple have been involved in a technological arms race since the late nineties, Apple has proven that being a self contained company makes its line of laptop computers superior on virtually all levels. Even though the price of windows is more affordable than Mac, Mac is the better buy because of it’s quality, …show more content…

It is what tells the computer how to act and how to look. Mac operating systems have been revered for their user friendly interface and seamless upgrade capability, whereas windows IOS has faced countless criticisms over the years in regards to its slow startup time, hard to navigate interface, and upgrade incompatibility. When it's time to upgrade the computer’s IOS the computer should be able to handle the information rush and boot up properly after installation. Computers running macintosh are highly regulated by apple, meaning that an apple computer only uses apple parts. Inversely, Mac computers can run on a myriad of different hardware that has been assembled by various different companies; this causes problems when a large amount of information is accepted into the computer's internal memory. Whereas mac computers have the hardware stability to upgrade the IOS without sacrificing functionality, there has been many a horror story where windows computers have crashed after attempting to install an out of date

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