Macbeth: A Tyranol Ruler Of Scotland In The 1000's

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When most people think of the name Macbeth they think of Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. But what most people don’t know is that the story of Macbeth is a recount of the historical events that happened in Scotland in the 1000’s. When the play was written it was originally intended to please the King of Scotland, King James. Because of this, Shakespeare altered the historical facts of the real King Macbeth to make it into a good story. Ever since then Shakespeare’s influence has taught us that King Macbeth was a tyrannical crazy ruler of Scotland, but the real historical events and facts have been forgotten by many. While there definitely are similarities between histories Macbeth and Shakespeare’s, the amount of differences is abounding. In Shakespeare’s play we are lead to believe that King Duncan was a beloved ruler of Scotland, and that Macbeth, out of greed, murdered Duncan to obtain the throne. But if we look at history, King Duncan was not beloved by his people. He was hated for his bad military knowledge. The true Historical King Duncan led his troops into wars and was not an ideal leader, which caused many of his troops to die in battle. Because of this the Historical Macbeth murdered King Duncan to become King. Back then many assassinations happened to powerful figures and there was no loud outrage against it. We are lead to believe through …show more content…

In that time he married a woman and adopted her son as his own. In Shakespeare’s adaptation, Macbeth was king for only a year before he was killed in battle by MacDuff. Throughout that year of kingship he was tormented to madness by witches and grief. But during Historical Macbeths reign it was a peaceful time. There were no large wars going on at the time and he even encouraged Christianity throughout Scotland. He had so much control of his Kingdom that he even had time to take a journey to Rome to pay his respects to the

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